
Error structure is reperesented by simple trait:

trait InvalidField {
  def field: String
  def reason: String
  def code: String
  def metadata: Map[String, String] = Map.empty

Where each filed represents:

  • field - name of validated field
  • reason - descriptive reason of failure
  • code - code of error
  • metadata - list of meta information of error ex. when number was expected to be lower then 10 you will find there what was expected value

List of error codes

Here is build in list of errors codes with descriptions:

Code Description Data types
equal_field Value was not equal expected value any
empty_field Value was expected to be not empty stringoptioncollection
empty_expected Value was expected to be empty stringoptioncollection
email_field Value was expected to be email string
min_count_symbols Value was expected contains count of symbols string
min_count_digits Value was expected contains count of digits string
min_count_lower_case Value was contains count of lower case characters string
min_count_upper_case Value was expected count of upper case characters string
fields_not_equal Two fields were not equal tuple
minimal_value Value was expected to greater or equal minimal value number
maximal_value Value was expected to lower or equal maximal value number
minimal_length Value was expected to have length greater or equal minimal value stringcollection
maximal_length Value was expected to have length lower or equal maximal value stringcollection
expected_length Value was expected to exact length stringcollection
key_missing Value was expected to have specific key map
keys_missing Value was expected to have specific list of keys map
value_contains Value was expected to contain expected part of expected value string
one_of_values_contains Value was expected to contain part of expected one of values string
one_of_values_missing Value was expected to be one of expected values string