Sbt plugin

Hocones sbt plugin will run and create documentation for your project in compilation time. It will use project class loader - thanks of that all project configurations will be loaded.


Add in project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("pl.muninn" % "sbt-hocones" % "0.2")

And in build.sbt to enable it:

lazy val root = (project in file("."))

And this is it. Plugin will run during compilation.

If you want to run it without compilation just run command:

sbt hocones

Sbt plugin configurations

  • hocones - name of command to run
  • loadConfigPath - you can set path in config that should be used during generation of documentation - other paths will be ignored
  • ignoredPaths - list of paths to ignore (like akka, monix etc.) - few popular paths are ignored by default
  • configFile - which configuration file should be loaded - default is application.conf
  • pathForSave - where documentation should be saved - default is {module}/src/main/resources/hocones
  • createEnvironmentFile - should env file be created - default true
  • environmentFileWithComments - should environment file contain comments - default true
  • environmentFileWithDefaults - should environment file contain defaults - default true
  • environmentWithoutDuplicates - should environment file be created without duplicates - default true
  • createDocumentationFile - should file with full documentation be created - default true
  • createEnvironmentDocumentationTableFile - should file with environment documentation be created - default true
  • environmentDocumentationFileTableAlignment - what alignment should be used in environment document - default left - possible values (left, right, center)

Example of configuration:

lazy val root = (project in file("."))
    loadConfigPath := Some("pl.muninn"),
    ignoredPaths ++= Seq("play.http", "play.auth"),
    pathForSave := file(".") / "documentation",
    createEnvironmentFile := false